My Keto Day
For several reasons I'm working on going back to the Ketogenic Diet now that I've spent a year recovering from Celiac Disease. My neurological issues have suffered while I was eating a more varied diet that included dense carbohydrate foods. But I felt it was important to allow my body to absorb as varied a diet as possible while recovering. Now, I've made some progress and I'm moving back toward a more neurologically supportive diet. Last October, I had written a series of articles describing the ketogenic diet and its many myths and complexities. Now, partly to keep myself accountable, I'll post today's food plan as I'm transitioning back onto my keto diet after being away for more than a year. For me, this is fairly complex since I try to stay organic and avoid pre-made foods. If you're curious about the diet, you will quickly see that accepting pre-made dressings and using non organic foods can make this diet cheaper and less of a hassle. I tr...