Where's the (Safe) Bacon?
Photo by Nicolas Postiglioni from Pexels Isn't it strange when you read an article from another country and it makes the same points you've been making for (in my case) decades about the safety of a food processing technique... and it treats those points as if they are perfectly obvious? Yet when I made those same points when I was younger, the general response was that I was inexperienced and paranoid. Funny how the worm turns. It's surreal for me to read the article below from the Guardian (a UK news service) and find my words spoken back to me. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/feb/14/uk-us-brexit-trade-deal-could-fill-supermarkets-with-cancer-risk-bacon To make a long story short, if bacon or cured meat mentions nitrites or celery, it probably irritates the gut, and people with gut disease should probably be careful not to buy such food. Other options do exist. More every day. Natural bacon is...